Thursday, October 5, 2017


DIN : Folder and Journal
Write this Chart in Your Joural

E:______________________ L:____________________ J:__________________

Levels of Government
L:_________________________   (City, County, Village)



Evaluate the role of government and protecting drinking water.
Create an annotated Bibliography

S.C.: I can list the branches and levels of US Government
- I can list some issues around tap water, including contaminents
- I can define fake news.
- I can create citations and an annotated bibliograph

Is access to  clean drinking water a right?  (Should it be free)
What has been a concern regarding Syracuse's Drinking Water
Should the Government regulate fake news? 

1) DIN - review big questions,  list three branches of government, and levels of government
2) Review Current Events -
- Fake News Problem - Las Vegas Massacre Examples: 
- The Guardian News  Story,  CBS News 
- Other? 
- Review NY Times Water Story and Syracuse Water Supply issue
-Video on Water Problems from the New York Times
- Pictures of Skaneateles Lake Algae

3) Review Annotated Bibliography and Bibliography Why Important

4) Summarize / complete Bibliography examples, place in folder

5) Closure - choose at least 1
1) Summarize role of the EPA and Local Government in regards to tap water..
2) What has been the concern regarding Syracuse Drinking water
3) What is fake news? Why is it a concern?

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